Sunday, March 16, 2014

Global Impact - Berlin

This blogpost is long overdue, but it's been a crazy week since I arrived back from Berlin on Monday. I went there with my team leaders for the Global Impact conference which is all about international student ministry (ISM) in Europe. There were about 80 people from 40 different countries all over the world with a whole range of ages and experiences. Some of the participants are currently international students studying in Europe, others were there because they are involved with their country's national movement, and still others who have long been involved in ISM and were there to train and encourage those with less experience. The conference center we stayed at was about an hour outside of Berlin, but we had some time before the conference and afterwards to visit the city. I finally saw the Berlin Wall! Unfortunately, I had a cold before and during the weekend so I was in a bit of a congested fog for a lot of the time. Some of the people I will see again at future conferences, and others are now my newest Facebook friends, but it was wonderful to meet so many really awesome people. One of my favorite parts was when we had a multicultural night. People had been warned ahead of time so they brought food from their countries to share with everyone. YUM! We also were treated to several different performances of songs, dances, stories, and skits.
Here we all are!

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